Eagle Brand Pound Cake
2 cups sugar
1 lb. (yes pound! you read that right!) butter
5 eggs
1 can eagle brand milk
1 tsp. almond flavoring
1 tsp vanilla flavoring
3 cups flour
Cream butter and sugar together. Add eggs and beat well. Mix rest of the ingredients; beat well. Bake (in greased and floured) bundt pan for 1 1/2 hours at 325 degrees. Cool before removing from pan. Once, I had it served with strawberries and whipped cream which is a delicious addition.
As a couple of my friends like to say - "That was free." While you're eating your cake, you should check out Audrey's website - Audrey Ryon Photography - beautiful work!
Another website that makes me happy is Shauna Maness' blog. In particular, this post made me giddy on a rainy day when I stumbled upon it....oh Paris, how I love thee.
I love art. I sometimes struggle to balance my desire for an artistic lifestyle with my desire to have a clean room or check things off a check list or make phone calls to all the people I want to stay in touch with. The pursuit of art at some point requires a withdrawal from people. I never wish to push away people in pursuit of art, whether it's simply enjoying it or attempting to create it....So, I will cherish these moments that fall like gifts in my lap when there is nothing pressing to do (well, maybe there are a few things I should do, but to me they are not as important as a person in need or an appointment I can't miss). My prayer is that, when I do finally get this chance to sit and be still, my eyes would be open to all that there is to see.
I love photography (though I'm not much of a photographer myself) because it captures images that we all see, but few of us take the time to zoom in and appreciate. Looking at a photo that truly captures the essence of that moment in time, something within me clicks. Why didn't I pause like the photographer did to look at that flower. It's extraordinary. I'm not entirely sure I appreciated those scrumptious pastries when I was in Paris. Surely, I would have remembered how lovely they look in these photos. And, that expression on my dear friend's face....she is made in the image of God and here in this snapshot, I can see it like I never have before - the intricate design of a Creator.
Creator, Savior, Best Friend, Holy God, open my eyes today to the wonders of your creation, the tragedy of how it has fallen, and the redemption made possible only through you.